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IB 71 New Bollywood Movie Full HD | Download Full Movie

IB 71 After facing defeat in the underneath water conflict inside the Ghazi attack Pakistan together with China plans any other assault on India with China.

In line with the Indian intelligence bureau, they locate that in the next ten days, there could be an aerial attack for which India isn’t prepared. Dev one of the smart marketers recently controlled to elope from

Pakistan navy camp with a few secret documents suggests IB leader N.S. Awasthi that they must block their airbase for Pakistan but that isn’t viable till a war is announced.

IB 71

IB 71

Alternatively, Pakistan makes positive that there are not any assaults on India for the next ten days till their mission as it could alert Indian organizations, Dev finds that seventeen yr old terrorists Qasim Qureshi are arrested who attempted to hijack the aircraft of the PM’s son and is below custody of cops become aware of his fellow associates.

Dev sees this as a possibility and in conjunction with the intelligence bureau makes a plan in order that Qasim and his pals to hijack a Indian flight without civilians and take it to the Lahore airbase.

This case ought to lead to an act of warfare and India could then block their airbase for Pakistan. However, it’s far most effective and viable when all Indian retailers posing as passengers within the flight return lower back properly.

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